This is the highest mountain in the galaxy, a dark rock piercing the iridescent cobalt of the sky. Magnetic lights flare across the horizon, reflecting off the clouds. Steps carved into the mountain rise toward the most beautiful place in the universe.Un Lugar de Belleza Infinita is the Spanish translation I made of A Place of Infinite Beauty, a brief hyperfiction by the unmatched Porpentine, who already thanked me for the work done.
I'm not sure what to say about this story. It's beautiful, that's for sure. It's wonderfully written. It has a simple structure that powerfully represents its central theme of success versus failure.
Its other theme is…, well, beauty. Infinite beauty, the implications of an objectively, scientifically measured beauty. The fight for reaching such a beautiful thing, of beauty that can be perceived with all of the human senses, and even without all of them. And even in exchange of all of them.
It has a lot of long words that were a pleasure to translate and to find out what they mean. On some parts it was hard to maintain the main character's gender unrevealed, because Spanish has gendered nouns so, when faced by "you are blind", for example, I had to choose whether to translate as "estás ciega" or "estás ciego". And I didn't want to add a gender that the original didn't discuss. But eventually I figured ways to avoid disclosing any sex details and keep close to the original. All's well that ends well.